Stage 2 Business Certificate lll
Stage 2 – Business Certificate lll (Year 10,11,12)
SACE Credits
Does this subject include an exam?
Work Experience in the relevant industry and/or recommendation by VET Coordinator.
Course Content
This course forms part of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training BSB Business Services Training Package. The Business Services Training package focuses not only on services for specific industry sectors such as legal services, employment services, engagement centre services, work health and safety services and marketing and advertising, but also provides administrative, business and management qualifications that are widely used across all industries.
This Certificate III introduces business concepts and is well suited to students who have an interest in business operations, innovation, customer service and analysing customer feedback and data.
This Certificate includes 12 units, covering topics such as:
Support the recruitments, selection and induction of staff
Design and produce business documents
Deliver and monitor a service to customers
Maintain financial records
Course Duration
Three hours per week once a week (2.15 pm – 5.15 pm)
February to September
The Business Services Training Package provides pathways in broad business areas which include: Administration, Business Development, Communication, Creativity and Innovation, Design, Finance, Information and Communications Technology, Knowledge Management, Library Information Systems and Management and Leadership.
Full completion of this certificate contributes towards an ATAR.